Ryan Klein Dev

Apple Pay on Cybersource


Working through an Apple provided demo to accept payments on Cybersource.

Display a UIKit UIView inside a SwiftUI View


Display a UIKit UIView inside a SwiftUI View

APIs and SDKs


An explanation of APIs and SDKs

Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery


An explanation of Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery.

How Does a Computer Work and What Is a Programming Language?


The intention of this post is to give a high level over view of what programming languages are, why they are necessary, and how they evolved. The post begins with a brief introduction to how computers work which provide context for the importance of programming languages.

Synchronous and Asynchronous Programming


What's the difference between Synchronous and Asynchronous programming?

What are Git and GitHub?


If you work with developers or are interested in development, you've probably heard of Git and GitHub. They are becoming common terms for any business that writes code. This post will describe what these tools are and how they are different.

Simple, Serverless CRUD with the CDK


How to bootstrap a simple serverless backend for authenticated CRUD operations using the CDK.